Adding External Documents

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To add external documents to a library, bypassing any UnForm processing of the input, use the –arcput command line option, in conjunction with the –i option to name the file to add.  Note this differs from archiving of UnForm jobs, as the input file is not processed through a rule set, but rather written directly into the archive.  In addition, further options may (and probably should) be used:


-arclib "libpath"

-arcdoctype "doctype"

-arcdocid "docid"  (if not supplied, an auto-generated number is created)

-arcsubid "subdoc ID"

-arcsubtitle "subdoc title"

-arctitle "title"

-arccats "cat1.1|cat1.2|cat1.3;cat2;cat3.1|cat3.2;..."

-arckeywords "kw1;kw2;..."

-arcnotes "notes"  (use \n character sequence to embed line breaks)

-arcentityid "entityid"

-arcargs "uf90c args for subjob"

-arcsep char  (separator for category segments - default is |)

-arcdtm yyyymmddhhmmss  (normally automatically calculated)

-arcsubdtm yyyymmddhhmmss  (normally automatically calculated)

-arclogin "userid/pswd"


The keywords setting can be a semi-colon delimited list, or a number indicating how many keywords to generate from content (-1 or "all" for all).  The default number of keywords is found in uf90d.ini.  When keywords are scanned, there is a file (ufnonwrd.txt by default) that contains words and patterns to ignore.


Use \; or \| (or \<sep char>) to embed delimiters in keywords or categories. Use \\ to embed a backslash.


Note ; and | characters (and spaces) must be protected from the shell, so keywords and categories in particular should be quoted, as well as any argument with spaces in it.


-arcsubid "subid*" will sequence the key to prevent overwrites.  Using "subid\*" will force "subid*".


Write access to a library is required to add a document to it.