Basic Syntax

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Basic Syntax



A statement consists of a single verb and any arguments or parameters suitable for that verb.  Multiple statements can be placed on a single line by separating them with a semicolon (;).  Statements can be preceded by a label, which consists of a label name followed by a colon.  Label names must follow the same naming conventions as numeric variables.



There are two types of variables in Business Basic: string and numeric.  Variables that end in a "$" character are treated as string variables.  They can hold any amount of text data, limited only by system memory.  Numeric variables can contain any number or integer.  UnForm sets precision to 10, so that up to 10 digits to the right of the decimal are maintained accurately.


Variable names can be up to 31 letters, digits, and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.  Variables can’t start with "fn" and should not start with "uf".


work$, account01$, and cust_name$ are valid string variables.

cust-name$ is invalid.

amount, period_12,  and six are valid numeric variables.


Arrays can be defined for both string and numeric variables.  Arrays must be defined to a fixed number of elements with a DIM statement, and array elements can then be referenced as variables.  Arrays can contain up to three dimensions.


dim amount[12]  defines a 13-element array, a[0] … a[12].

dim x$[1:6,1:20] defines a 2-dimensional string array.  The first dimension ranges from 1 to 6, the second from 1 to 20.  x$[2,20] would be a valid element in this array.


The dim statement can also be used to initialize strings to a specified length.  Dim a$(12), for example, will set a$ to 12 spaces.


There are special string constructs available in ProvideX.  These are called string templates or composite strings.  Details about these constructs can be found in the language manual for ProvideX, available from



Many functions are available in Business Basic.  Most will be familiar to a Basic programmer.  Functions consist of a word, an opening parenthesis, one or more arguments, and a closing parenthesis.  The function returns a string or numeric result, which is typically used as part of an expression, or in an assignment.  Wherever a string or numeric value can be used, a string or numeric function can be used.  In addition to internal Business Basic functions, UnForm also provides some functions that perform tasks typical to print stream environment in which it runs.


String and numeric representation

Strings are made up of concatenated bytes.  They can be represented as literals inside double quotes, such as "Name:", or as hexadecimal strings inside "$" delimiters, such as $1B45$ for Escape-E.  They can also be made up of combinations of literals, hex strings, string variables, and functions that return string values.  These values are combined using the "+" operator to concatenate each string together.  For example, a string containing quotes could be constructed one of these ways: chr(34)+"some text"+chr(34); or $22$+"some text"+$22$, or quote$+"some text"+quote$.  Since chr(34) and $22$ both represent a quote character, and it would be possible for the variable quote$ to contain the same, all these expressions can represent the same string.


Substrings can be derived from a string variable with the syntax stringvar(start [,length]).  For example, if account$ is "01-567", then account$(4,3) would return the value "567".  Substrings references with positions that aren't in the string result in errors, so care must be used.  To avoid the possible errors, the mid() function can be used.


Numbers can be represented as integers or decimal numbers, or, like strings, can be represented as expressions containing literal numbers, numeric variables, and numeric functions.  With numbers, there are more operators available to produce the expressions.  A literal number is just a series of digits, with an optional decimal point and an optional leading minus sign.  1995.99 and -100.433 are valid numbers.  Other punctuation, such as thousands separators or currency symbols, are invalid in a number though they can be added when a number is formatted as a string for output.



Business Basic has the following standard operators:


+        concatenate strings or add numbers, depending on context

-        subtraction

*        multiplication

/        division

^        exponentiation

=        testing for equality, or assignment, depending on context

>        testing for greater than

>=        testing for greater than or equal to

<        testing for less than

<=        testing for less than or equal to

<>        testing for inequality

()        controlling precedence

and        combining expressions with logical "and" in conditions

or        combining expressions with "or" in conditions


+=        appends right-side value to a string or adds to a number

-=        subtracts right-side value from a number

*=        multiplies a number by right-side number

/=        divides a number by right-side number

++var, var++, --var, var++ increments or decrements a numeric variable by 1, either before or after an operation, depending on the position of the ++ or – operators.



If Then Else

The structure of IF…THEN…ELSE        statements are simple and unblocked.  The IF must be followed by an expression to test.  The expression can be simple or complex, and must resolve to a single Boolean or numeric result.  For numeric results, a 0 is considered false, and anything else is considered true.  Once resolved, if true the THEN clause is executed, otherwise the ELSE clause, if present, is executed.


Both the THEN clause and the ELSE clause can contain any statements, including nested IF statements.  A closing END_IF after a THEN or ELSE clause will terminate the conditional nature of statements following it.


Here are some examples of  IF statements:


if amount < 0 then text$="Credit Balance"

if x$="A" then desc$="Acme Rental" else if x$="S" then desc$="Smith & Sons" else desc$="N/A"

if testmode then dummy$=set(1,1,10,"Test Mode") end_if; goto exitsub


UnForm’s code block parser also supports blocked if-then-else syntax, like this (optional elements indicated in square brackets):


 If condition [then][:]






         … ]

 End if


The key elements are the condition "if condition" line and the closing "end if".  The structures can be nested, with additional if statements inside the if or else sections.  The trailing colon on the IF line is optional as of version 9.0.



While Wend Loops

One of Business Basic's looping structures is the WHILE..WEND loop.  At the top of the loop is a while condition statement, where the condition is evaluated like an IF clause.  As long as the condition is true, or returns a non-zero value, the statements up until the closing wend statement are repeated.  To escape the loop, you can use the BREAK verb, the EXITTO label verb, or set variables such that the condition is false before executing the wend verb.  To iterate the loop from within, use the CONTINUE verb.


Here is a simple WHILE…WEND syntax that substitutes (") with (') in a string:



while x > 0





For Next Loops

Another commonly used loop structure is the FOR…NEXT loop.  A FOR statement identifies a variable, a start value, an end value, and an optional step value.  The variable is set to the start value; the loop statements are executed until a NEXT statement is encountered; the variable is incremented by the step value; and, until the end value is exceeded, the loop statements are repeated.  To exit the loop before the end value is reached, use the BREAK verb or the EXITTO label verb.  To iterate the loop from within, use the CONTINUE verb.  Here is an example that would perform the same substitution shown above (though more slowly):


for i=1 to len(work$)

 if work$(i,1)=$22$ then work$(i,1)="'"

next i



File Handling

Business Basic has very powerful facilities for handling files.  Not only are there intrinsic keyed file types, but also text files and pipes can be used.


If the application with which UnForm is integrated is written in ProvideX, then full native access to the data files is available.  If the application is written in BBx, then the bbxread() function can be used to obtain record data via an instance of BBx.


If UnForm is working with a non-Business Basic application (e.g. C, Cobol, Informix, Oracle, etc.), there are additional means to obtain data, via ODBC on Windows or pipes on UNIX.



Opening Files


File access is performed through an open file channel.  The OPEN statement opens the file on a numeric channel in preparation for later file access.  Open(99)"customers.dat" opens the named file on channel 99.  Channel numbers can range from 1 to 32767, though the operating system will typically impose a limit on the number of simultaneous channels that can be opened.  Channel numbers must be unique.  Once opened, that channel number is no longer available until closed.  To avoid conflicts with channel numbers, it is common to use a special function that returns an available channel number, UNT.  Here is a typical syntax:





After that, file access verbs can use the cust variable to access the "customers.dat" file.


To open a pipe channel, you could do the following:



open(faxlist)"|sqlexec 'select cust,faxnum from customers'"




open(labelprt)">lp –dlabels"

print(labelprt)"To: "+name$

print(labelprt)"    "+address1$


Reading Files


There are two verbs used for reading channels: READ, and READ RECORD.  The READ verb understands line and field separators, whereas the READ RECORD verb reads blocks of a specified size or whole records, in the case of intrinsic keyed file types.  The READ verbs accept several options, including "key=string", "ind=index", "err=linelabel", "end=linelabel", and others.  Full details can be found in the language reference manuals.  Labels can be actual labels in code (label:), or a symbolic label, such as *next, *break, or *continue.  UnForm also recognizes err=next as a synonym for err=*next.


To read from an intrinsic keyed file (ProvideX files only), you might use one of these:




read record(cust,key=custkey$,err=next)custrec$



To read from a pipe or a text file, you may not use a key= clause, so you just read sequentially through the file:





Writing files


You probably would not want to write to your application files, but you may well want to write to external devices or log files.  Writing is performed with these verbs: WRITE or WRITE RECORD and PRINT.  Each uses a channel number and arguments to print.  PRINT terminate its values with a line-feed character ($0A$), unless a comma follows the last argument.  WRITE RECORD will write a single string variable without any termination so it is suitable for binary or blocked output.  WRITE terminates values with an internal field separator, normally $8A$, which is not useful when writing files that will be used by other applications, but which is recognized by READ.


print (logfile)"Customer: "+custname$+" printed on "+date(0,tim:"%D-%M-%Y:%Hz:%mz")

dim block$(128); block$(1)=custname$,block$(31)=str(amount:"000000.00"); write record(log)block$