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Image Magick is used to convert images between various formats.  For example, if a logo image is provided in jpeg format, when UnForm needs to print the image to a PCL printer, it needs to convert and scale the image to the proper format and size.  It uses Image Magick to do this.  Otherwise, the image must be provided in all the various formats that might be needed.


Most Linux systems include a copy of Image Magick, or it can be installed using the system's package manager.  Windows and other versions can be downloaded from  On Linux, you can easily verify if Magick is installed by running 'convert -version.


Once installed, all that is needed is to set the line 'converter=path' to point to the Magick executable "convert" (convert.exe on WIndows).  The Server Manager provides a form for this setting, or you can manually edit the uf90d.ini file.  This line is in the [images] section.


Note that in Image Magick 7, the convert program name changed to 'magick', so link to 'magick' or 'magick.exe'.


Image Alchemy Option

An alternative to Image Magick is Image Alchemy, available from Handmade Software (  If you choose to use Image Alchemy, then in the [images]  section of uf90d.ini, in addition to setting the converter= line to point to the alchemy executable, you also need to uncomment the Alchemy configuration lines, and comment the Magick configuration lines.  These lines are commented in the default uf90d.ini file.