Document and Index Listings

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There are many listing options, specified by using one of the -arclist* options.  Below is information about the command line options required to run each type of listing.


List Libraries


-arclistlibs or -arclistrwlibs or -arclistrwdlibs

-arclistfmt tab|csv|pipe

-o "output file"

-arclogin "userid/pswd"


Lists all libraries that the userid has read access to.  Alternate forms list read/write libraries and full access libraries.



List Document Types



-arclib "library"

-o "output file"

-arclogin "userid/pswd"


Lists the document types in the library specified.



List Category Segments



-arclib "library"

-o "outputfile"

-arclogin "userid/pswd"

-arcstart "seg1|seg2|..."

-arcfirst index

-arccount count


Lists category segments of a certain level in the library specified.  With no -arcstart option, the top level categories are listed.  Using -arcstart "segment" will list second level segments within the top level segment specified.  Categories nest up to ten levels, so you can continue to add segments delimited with pipe characters.  The -arcfirst and -arccount option can be used to return count records starting at index  position.


List Keywords



-arclib "library"

-o "filename"

-arclogin "userid/pswd"

-arcstart "prefix"

-arcfirst index

-arccount count


List count keywords starting with prefix, optionally starting at the index position in the list.


List Keyword Seeds



-arclib "library"

-o "filename"

-arclogin "userid/pswd"

-arcstart "prefix"

-arcfirst index

-arccount count


List keyword count seed values, optionally starting at the index position in the list.  A keyword seed is the initial portion of of a keyword, of some limited length.  You can set a prefix for the seeds with the -arcstart option, and the result will be a list of keywords seeds starting with the prefix, each with a length of 1 more than the prefix.  With no prefix, the list will be of all first characters in the file.  With a one-character prefix, the seeds will be all two-character values starting with that prefix. This feature can be useful for developing drill-down keyword lists.



List Documents, List Documents and Images


-arclist   (or -arclistdocs)

-arclib "libname"

-arclistfmt tab|csv|pipe|html|xml|xmlf

-arcorder id|date|title|category

-arcstart "starting point in order specified"

-arcend "ending point in order specified"

-arcfilter "filter string"

-arcsep char (used to parse start/end values for category segments)

-arclogin "userid/pswd"


You must have read access to a library to list documents in it.


The columns listed include document type, document ID, date, time, title, the document storage file path, and entity ID.  If you specify the category order, then the category’s segments are added as a single column.  Otherwise, no category information is shown.  If the list format is html or xml, then notes, keywords, links, and categories are added to the list.


The start and end range values relate to the order.  For example, if the order is "id", then the start and end ranges refer to document type and ID sequences.  For segmented ranges, such as for type and ID values, or category segments when listing in category order, separate them with the –arcsep value (a pipe (|) by default).  For example:


-arcorder id –arcstart "Invoices|000152"


Be sure to quote the range if it contains characters, such as pipes or spaces, which are significant to the operating system.  For date ranges, enter dates in the structure yyyymmddhhmmss (as many characters are significant to your request).  For example, -arcstart 200612011800 –arcend 200612020800 for the range from 6:00 PM on December 1, 2006 through 8:00AM on December 2, 2006.


To filter documents returned in the list, use the –arcfilter option.  The filter can be a simple word or phrase, a simple wildcard containing * and/or ? characters such as "Acme*", or a regular expression prefixed with a tilde, such as "~[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]".  Filters are applied to a concatenation of the document type, document ID, date, time, and title values, and in the case of category order, the categories are filtered as well.  If the list format is html or xml, then the notes, keywords, and categories are added to the list.  Keywords and categories, though not category segments, are delimited with spaces rather than semicolons when filtered.  If the list format is xmlf, then a base64-encoded version of the image file is also added to the xml document.


To list documents and their associated image information, use the -arclistdocs command line option rather than the -arclist option.  The same options as shown above for –arclist apply.


When used in conjunction with the –p winpvw driver, a local view of the listing is presented on the workstation running the UnForm client.