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hline "text" [,erase] [,extend] [,thickness]




Any horizontal occurrence of the text indicated, of at least the length indicated, will be replaced with a horizontal line.  The text must be composed of a single character repeated any number of times. There can be multiple hline keywords in a rule set, if needed.  For example, if both dashes (-) and equal signs (=) are used for lines in a form, both can be specified in separate hline keywords.


This keyword is useful if the application already produces boxes and lines with standard characters.  Also see the vline keyword.


As with all box drawing, UnForm will consider line endpoints to be at the center position of a character, which may impact how lines intersect.  Lines are drawn 1 pixel (1/300 inch) thick.


If the "erase" option is used, then no line is drawn.  Instead, the horizontal text values are simply removed from the output.


If the "extend" option is specified, the lines are extended ½ character left and right.  The thickness parameter specifies a pixel width to draw.


The search for text can be limited to a region on the page by adding a suffix in the format '@left,top,right,bottom'.  To use a literal "@" character in text, it is necessary to specify "\@".





hline "---" will search the report for 3 or more horizontal dashes.  All such dashes found will be replaced with a horizontal line.



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