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toc=y | yes | li | list | sh | short




If this keyword is set to "y" or "yes", UnForm will generate a simple table of contents by constructing hyperlinks to each page generated.  The hyperlinks are placed either at the top of the document, in a separate main document, or in a document referred to as the table of contents in a frame.


The following templates use a table of contents.  Templates refer to files in the UnForm directory, and are referenced in the parameter file under the "[html]" section:  "both=" and "toc=".  In each case, the placement of the table of contents is based on the placement of the tag "[$toc]" within the template file.


The text displayed for each hyperlink is generated from the "pagenum=" item of the "[html]" section of the parameter file (ufparam.txc or ufparam.txt.)  This text can also be generated by Business Basic code in the prepage{} or postpage{} code blocks, by setting the string variable "toc$" to the value desired.


If the keyword is set to "li" or "list", then the hyperlinks are created within an HTML unordered list (<ul> ... </ul>), and will normally be displayed as a bullet list.


If the keyword is set to "s",  "sh", or "short", then the table of contents links consist of just the pagenum descriptor followed by each page number, with no line breaks or bullets.  In this case, any code that sets the value of toc$ is ignored.


This keyword is ignored if there is no filename specified for the output.