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webaction "name" [,style "button CSS styles"] [,beforebegin|afterbegin|beforeend|afterend "selector"] [,tip "tooltip" ] [,autorun]




Used by the SDSI Web Extension as part of an integration rule set.  This command creates a small clickable HTML button with the UnForm icon.  When clicked, the web form defined by other elements of the rule set is presented.  The button by default is placed in the upper right corner of the page or frame.  If the beforebegin, afterbegin, beforeend, or afterend option is specified, then an element will be selected using the provided CSS selector, and the button will be placed relative to that element, within the normal HTML page flow.


The name value is supplied in the cgi.action$ value when the associated web form is submitted.


The style option can be used to add CSS style attributes to the button, to adjust the position, size, color, border, and so on.  The style value is appended to the default style and can therefore override any setting of the default style.


If a tip is provided, it is added as a HTML title attribute, which normally displays as hover text and can be used for small help information.


If autorun is specified, the web form is not presented, but is automatically submitted.





This creates an action button moved down from the upper right corner, with a default opacity of 60% (partially transparent).


webaction "Default", style "margin-top:2.5em;opacity:.60", tip "UnForm web form action"


This creates an action button anchored to a table cell that is the adjacent sibling of a table header cell containing "Doc ID", itself a descendent of a table that is a descendent of a div tag with an id attribute of "panel1".  The button is placed at the end of the cell's content, but inside the closing </td> tag.


webaction "DocID", beforeend "div#panel1 table th:contains(Doc ID) + td", autorun