Note, Version 6 uses the same layout except that $FF$ tags have been changed to $11$.
File definition header record.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "A"
23,2 blank
Field 1
Same as key
Field 2
1,40 Description
41,120 Disk file(s)
161,1 Access level
162,120 Auto select phrase
282,120 Auto begin
402,120 Auto end
522,60 Skip keys
582,1 Text file type (1=blocked, 2=delimited) (note 1)
583,4 Block size or Delimiter character
587,40 File password (often a prompt - [[Enter password]]) v6.0.10
Filled to 800 bytes
Note 1 If a file is a string (text) file, then the Text file type field is required.
The value of the 583,4 position is dependent on the type. If the file is
blocked, then 583,4 contains the block size; otherwise, it contains the
field delimiter, which defaults to a comma.
Field definitions - coded portion.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "B"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, broken into 40-byte segments, each segment representing a field.
Segments are sorted in field name order.
Segments are defined as:
1,20 Field name
21,1 Field type (T=text, N=number, D=date)
22,1 Justification (R=right, L=left, blank=use defaults)
23,1 Numeric punctuation (P=punctuate, blank=none)
24,1 Precision (0-9, for dates >0 means time precision)
25,3 Length (number of columns 1-999)
28,2 Height (number of rows 1-99)
30,2 not used
32,1 Negative format (defaults to leading minus sign)
- trailing minus
( parenthesis
C trailing CR
$ currency format
33,1 Scaling factor (auto left shift of decimal point 0-9)
34,1 STBL/GBL mask reference code
35,7 not used
Field definitions - expressions portion.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "C"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of variable length segments concatenated together in no
particular order. Each segment is structured like this:
1,20 Field name
21,1 $FF$
22,4 Length of data, n (0-filled ASCII)
26,n Data
The data values are simply the text of the expression for each field.
Field definitions - heading portion.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "H"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of variable length segments concatenated together in no
particular order. Each segment is structured like this:
1,20 Field name
21,1 $FF$
22,4 Length of data, n (0-filled ASCII)
26,n Data
The data values are the column headings for the fields. Each heading can be up to 60
characters long, and can include vertical bar separators (|) to indicate stacked column
heading segments.
Field definitions - field description portion.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "J"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of variable length segments concatenated together in no
particular order. Each segment is structured like this:
1,20 Field name
21,1 $FF$
22,4 Length of data, n (0-filled ASCII)
26,n Data
The data values are the descriptions of each field. The descriptions can be up to 40
characters long.
Field definitions - user-defined variables in type code lengths.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "K"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of variable length segments concatenated together in no
particular order. Each segment is structured like this:
1,20 Field name
21,1 $FF$
22,4 Length of data, n (0-filled ASCII)
26,n Data
The data values are the user-defined variables used in the type code "L" parameter. If, for
example, a type code definition is T,L[[@CUSTLEN@VDT]], then the text
"[[@CUSTLEN@VDT]]" is stored here. When this is present, the length element of the
coded field segment (25,3) is set to "-1".
Alternate Sort Definitions.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "G"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of 105 byte segments in no particular order. Each
segment is structured as follows:
1,15 Name
16,40 Description
56,50 ALTFILE or ALTKEY definition. See Keyword Reference in manual
for more information about the structure of an AF or AK definition.
Link Definitions.
1,1 "X"
2,20 file name
22,1 "I"
23,2 sequence counter (00-99)
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of 75 byte segments in no particular order. Each
segment is structured as follows:
1,30 Target file name, optionally with "@sort-name" appended, where the
sort-name is defined as an alternate sort in the target file.
31,1 Type of link (1=full key, 2=partial key)
32,4 not used
36,40 Expression that defines the full or partial key.
Saved Command Definitions.
Header record
1,1 "R"
2,20 Name
22,1 "A"
23,2 "00"
Field 1
Same as key.
Field 2
1,40 Description
41,20 Last run by (name from O/S login)
61,20 Last run on (julian date + tim/24)
81,20 Owning GENERAL user code
Filled to 200 bytes.
Saved Command Detail records.
1,1 "R"
2,20 Name
22,1 "A"
23,2 Sequence number (01-99)
Field 1
Same as key
Field 2
Blocks of up to 950 bytes, made up of portions of the LIST command text of the saved
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